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Favorite Things: My Hair

Mar 5, 2020 0 comments
I haven't always loved my hair. In fact it has been a struggle for me to love it.

I think we can all relate to not liking something about ourselves. We all have a picture of what we want to look like. That picture is usually tied to some flawless looking model who has been airbrushed to perfection.

I have tried to emulate tons of hairstyles over the years but they never came out just right.

Photo: Tubarones Photography

I've permed it, curled it, braided it, chopped it off. Always chasing the image of what my hair should look like.

Then, 5 years ago, I went natural.

Not because I'm team natural because I'm not. I'm team -do what feels good for you - because it's your crown. In fact, I resisted going natural 2 years before. I tried it. It was a lot of maintenance. I didn't want to be bothered.

But then I got pregnant. And if you have ever been to a black hair salon it is an hours long process. The further along I got in my pregnancy the more difficult it became for me to sit down for long periods of time. So I put braids in my hair and by the time I took them out I ended up a natural by accident. lol.

Since then I have really learned my hair. I've become a speed braider. A master of wash day. Queen of braid-outs, twist-outs and afros. And a hoarder of all types of curlers. Lol.
It's Me!

Most importantly I became a lover of my own hair. It's curls and kinks and pattern.

My hair still doesn't look like the pictures. There are still days it drives me nuts and stresses me out. I don't know how to lay my baby hairs perfectly. It still doesn't always do what I want it to do but it's mine and I've decided to love all of me.

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And now when my daughter watches me do my hair she tries to do her own and that's something really special to me. I hope that I can pass on to her pride and love for the hair she has. Kinky, curly, pattern. Lovely.

Happy Shopping!

Your Friend,
The Fabulous Shoe Maven

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