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Retail Therapy is My Self-Care

Nov 14, 2018 0 comments
I was being cheeky in my last post but how many times do we feel like we've committed a crime when we indulge in a little retail therapy?

I know I most certainly do and it has gotten worse now that I'm a mom. I often will say, "how can I get those shoes when I have two kids in diapers?!"

We are talking about self-care this week and the one person we often forget to care for is ourselves. If our small moment of happiness is getting that pretty bracelet or dazzling pair of shoes, get them. 

We can only share with others the happiness we have ourselves.

This time of year can be very joyous but can also be happiness draining because of all the hustle and bustle. So while you are hustling and bustling. Do a little indulging too. For me its online shopping. I do almost everything online including grocery shopping. Most of it is stuff for my family but every now and then I throw in something for me. 

Its kinda like set it and forget it, only its buy and forget. And then when you least expect it, you'll get a little pick me up in the mail.

For example, I bought something on Wish to try it out. (I told you I wouldn't recommend something I haven't tried myself.) It was a piece of costume jewelry that cost me $1. This was a completely set it and forget it purchase. Then one day I came home and there was a package waiting for me. I love getting and opening packages. The I bought was cute (wearing it as I type) and it was a small pick me up after a long day and we all need those.

So my lovely fashionista, I'm not saying break the bank (hence Coupon Friday) but don't beat yourself up over a small purchase or 3. lol

How do you exercise self-care?

Happy Shopping!

Your Friend,
The Fabulous Shoe Maven

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